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LGBTs Love Dogs, Too
A Swedish court imposed a fine on a petshop owner who refused to sell a dog to a woman once she discovered that the woman is a lesbian. WTF?
It is great to see this discrimination handled in a Court of Law. It sends that the signal that we are all equal. Yes, we are all equal. Join the campaign for Human Rights Campaign.
Posted by Catherine on March 31, 2006
in Current Affairs, Doggie, LGBT | Permalink| Comments (3)
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Not sure how to feel about knowing that there are idiots in other countries besides our own.
Posted by: Scott | Apr 1, 2006 6:20:29 AM
What on Earth was the woman's rationale for not selling a dog to a lesbian? Did she think the dog might see the two women kiss and grow up to be malajusted? That is one of the strangest homophobia stories I've heard.
Posted by: Diane | Apr 2, 2006 11:30:03 AM
the Apr/May issue of bust(.com) (page 18) has a bit about some repub lawmakers who are trying to introduce bills that not only prevent gays "from using reproductive technology to get pregnant," but single women as well. guess if you're a single lesbian you're a double threat.
Posted by: revi | Apr 4, 2006 11:29:26 AM
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