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That Dog Won't Hunt

There's a Texas expression that sums up Dumb-Dumb's latest ploy to counteract his falling approval rating by going out to the American public and defending his Iraq war policy.  It's a phrase I'm sure Dumb-Dumb's daddy (41) is saying to himself whenever he sees his boy out stumping (stumbling?) to the ever increasing doubtful public: "Son, that dog won’t hunt!”

With scores of Iraqi dying everyday now in sectarian violence, and American sons and daughters being picked off like flies as the seeds of a Iraqi Civil War looms, Dumb-Dumb has the nerve to insult our intelligence and defend this stupid war.

But what else can he do?  Like a kid caught with his hands in the cookie jar, the Dumb-Dumb administration has little left to do but try to convince themselves (and others) that the crime they have committed is right and just.  I'll give Shurb one bit of credit.  He's so dumb that he's starting to believe his one shit doesn't stink.  When you live in a fantasy world like his, you have to believe in the reality you make. 

Meanwhile, back in the reality world we all live in, the war that has cost over 2300 American lives (officially; not including countless "contract soldiers" and tens of thousands of Iraqi lives) and has no end in sight.  No end, no strategy, no plan.  Even an old hunting dog isn't that stupid.

Posted by SourKraut on March 13, 2006
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Tracked on Mar 14, 2006 5:31:15 AM


I think "Dumb Dumb" is the best Bush euphemism I've heard in a while.

Posted by: Mags | Mar 13, 2006 9:25:03 PM

That dog don't hunt ... ah, that's a favorite one of my daddy's. SK, you have this one down pat.

Posted by: Pepper | Mar 13, 2006 10:06:13 PM

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