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Conservative San Diego Mayor NOW Endorses Gay Marriage
Sanders said, "I just could not bring myself to tell an entire group of
our community they were less important, less worthy or less deserving
of the rights and responsibilities of marriage than anyone else, simply
because of their sexual orientation.
"Sanders said he thought of friends and members of his staff who are gay, including his daughter Lisa."I
want for them the same thing that we all want for our loved ones. For
each of them to find a mate, whom they love deeply and who loves them
back. Someone who they can grow old together and share life's
experiences."Sanders said his decision simply came down to "doing the right thing."
Follow the link, if you have a minute and watch his heartfelt statement. Finally, some of these Republicans are starting to get it! This is a big step forward.
Posted by Catherine on September 20, 2007
in Current Affairs, LGBT, Politics | Permalink| Comments (2)
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In a way, it's too bad that it takes something like this (having a gay family member) to turn around someone's thinking; on the other hand, I give him credit for being able to change his mind, unlike some people (*cough*dickcheney*cough*) who have gay loved ones and still support discrimination.
Posted by: Tom Hilton | Sep 21, 2007 12:16:25 PM
Well, either way -- I will take it. I want my LGBT friends to have what we straighties have.
Posted by: catherine | Sep 21, 2007 2:55:09 PM
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