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On the Way to Coffee

On the way to coffee
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Being a coffee addict, I feel compelled to try the latest and greatest. Four Barrel Coffee is having a soft opening vis-a-vie the back alley. If you roll up to their upcoming store front, you will see a map to the back.

My favorite part of the map? The notation of the local street worker. Oh, the coffee is delicious because they are currently using Stumptown beans.

Posted by Catherine on June 4, 2008
in Foodie, San Francisco | Permalink| Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)


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Too bad you can't run a decent, clean, pleasant coffee shop in this town without some nose-pierced, wanking hipster yelling "Corporate sell-out!" if you actually have furniture to sit on in an environment that doesn't make you feel like you're part of this week's garbage pick-up.

Coffee posers SUCK. I am tired of having to simulate a back-alley drug deal just to get decent coffee in this town.

Posted by: TiredOfPosers | Jun 5, 2008 4:51:06 PM

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