Conjecture Junction Has Arrived
Well, it is time to spout all of our theories about who, what, when, why and how. All kidding aside, this choice affects women, Katrina victims, the war in Iraq, and the economy. What are your predictions, conjecture on who will be the running mates, let me know! Below is a sample gathered by USA Today.
• The New York Times -- Obama's announcement might be tomorrow: Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama "has all but settled on his choice for a running mate and set an elaborate rollout plan for his decision, beginning with an early morning alert to supporters, perhaps as soon as Wednesday morning, aides said. ... Mr. Obama had not notified his choice -- or any of those not selected — of his decision as of late Monday, advisers said."
• ABC News' The Note -- Or maybe the Dem choice will come later: "But the smart money puts the pick in the latter part of the week -- when Obama's schedule is wide open.
• The Washington Post -- Nobody really knows much, except that it's coming: "This is Veep Week. That, in reality, is about all that anyone outside Sen. Barack Obama's inner, inner circle knows -- that sometime before next week the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee will announce his running mate."
• Chicago Tribune's The Swamp blog -- Biden is a hot prospect: Democratic Sen. Joseph Biden, "the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, returned Monday from a fact-finding tour of the conflict in Georgia. And if media speculation is to be believed, he returns a hotter commodity for vice president than when he left this weekend."
Posted by Catherine on August 19, 2008
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Not Everyone Hearts Obama
First, I am not an Obama hater. I swear. It justs to me as though too many people are jumping on his bandwagon with little or no thought, so I offer this as an alternative perspective. It is from Beyond Chron.
It is my personal belief that we should know a much as possible about our Presidential candidate as possible before making a choice -- both good and bad (objectivity, shocking). Believe me, there are a ton of good things about this man. While I did not support him in the California Primary, he will get my vote in the General Election.
The Obama Craze: Count Me Out
By Matt Gonzalez, Feb. 27, 2008
Part of me shares the enthusiasm for Barack Obama. After all, how could
someone calling themself a progressive not sense the importance of what
it means to have an African-American so close to the presidency? But as
his campaign has unfolded, and I heard that we are not red states or
blue states for the 6th or 7th time, I realized I knew virtually
nothing about him.
Like most, I know he gave a stirring speech at the Democratic National
Convention in 2004. I know he defeated Alan Keyes in the Illinois
Senate race; although it wasn’t much of a contest (Keyes was living in
Maryland when he announced). Recently, I started looking into Obama’s
voting record, and I’m afraid to say I’m not just uninspired: I’m
downright fearful. Here's why:
This is a candidate who says he’s going to usher in
change; that he is a different kind of politician who has the skills to
get things done. He reminds us again and again that he had the
foresight to oppose the war in Iraq. And he seems to have a genuine
interest in lifting up the poor.
But his record suggests that he is incapable of ushering in any kind of
change I’d like to see. It is one of accommodation and concession to
the very political powers that we need to rein in and oppose if we are
to make truly lasting advances.
Let’s start with his signature position against the Iraq war. Obama has sent mixed messages at best.
First, he opposed the war in Iraq while in the Illinois state
legislature. Once he was running for US Senate though, when public
opinion and support for the war was at its highest, he was quoted in
the July 27, 2004 Chicago Tribune
as saying, “There’s not that much difference between my position and
George Bush’s position at this stage. The difference, in my mind, is
who’s in a position to execute.” The Tribune went on to say that Obama,
“now believes US forces must remain to stabilize the war-ravaged nation
– a policy not dissimilar to the current approach of the Bush
Obama’s campaign says he was referring to the ongoing occupation and
how best to stabilize the region. But why wouldn’t he have taken the
opportunity to urge withdrawal if he truly opposed the war? Was he
trying to signal to conservative voters that he would subjugate his
anti-war position if elected to the US Senate and perhaps support a
lengthy occupation? Well as it turns out, he’s done just that.
Since taking office in January 2005 he has voted to approve every war
appropriation the Republicans have put forward, totaling over $300
billion. He also voted to confirm Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of
State despite her complicity in the Bush Administration’s various false
justifications for going to war in Iraq. Why would he vote to make one
of the architects of “Operation Iraqi Liberation” the head of US
foreign policy? Curiously, he lacked the courage of 13 of his
colleagues who voted against her confirmation.
And though he often cites his background as a civil rights lawyer,
Obama voted to reauthorize the Patriot Act in July 2005, easily the
worse attack on civil liberties in the last half-century. It allows for
wholesale eavesdropping on American citizens under the guise of
anti-terrorism efforts.
And in March 2006, Obama went out of his way to travel to Connecticut
to campaign for Senator Joseph Lieberman who faced a tough challenge by
anti-war candidate Ned Lamont. At a Democratic Party dinner attended by
Lamont, Obama called Lieberman “his mentor” and urged those in
attendance to vote and give financial contributions to him. This is the
same Lieberman who Alexander Cockburn called “Bush’s closest Democratic
ally on the Iraq War.” Why would Obama have done that if he was truly
against the war?
Recently, with anti-war sentiment on the rise, Obama declared he will
get our combat troops out of Iraq in 2009. But Obama isn’t actually
saying he wants to get all of our troops out of Iraq. At a September
2007 debate before the New Hampshire primary, moderated by Tim Russert,
Obama refused to commit to getting our troops out of Iraq by January
2013 and, on the campaign trail, he has repeatedly stated his desire to
add 100,000 combat troops to the military.
At the same event, Obama committed to keeping enough soldiers in Iraq
to “carry out our counter-terrorism activities there” which includes
“striking at al Qaeda in Iraq.” What he didn’t say is this continued
warfare will require an estimated 60,000 troops to remain in Iraq
according to a May 2006 report prepared by the Center for American
Progress. Moreover, it appears he intends to “redeploy” the troops he
takes out of the unpopular war in Iraq and send them to Afghanistan. So
it appears that under Obama’s plan the US will remain heavily engaged
in war.
This is hardly a position to get excited about.
In 2005, Obama joined Republicans in passing a law dubiously called the
Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA) that would shut down state courts as a
venue to hear many class action lawsuits. Long a desired objective of
large corporations and President George Bush, Obama in effect voted to
deny redress in many of the courts where these kinds of cases have the
best chance of surviving corporate legal challenges. Instead, it forces
them into the backlogged Republican-judge dominated federal courts.
By contrast, Senators Clinton, Edwards and Kerry joined 23 others to
vote against CAFA, noting the “reform” was a thinly-veiled “special
interest extravaganza” that favored banking, creditors and other
corporate interests. David Sirota, the former spokesman for Democrats
on the House Appropriations Committee, commented on CAFA in the June
26, 2006 issue of The Nation,
“Opposed by most major civil rights and consumer watchdog groups, this
Big Business-backed legislation was sold to the public as a way to stop
"frivolous" lawsuits. But everyone in Washington knew the bill's real
objective was to protect corporate abusers.”
Nation contributor Dan Zegart noted further: “On its face, the
class-action bill is mere procedural tinkering, transferring from state
to federal court actions involving more than $5 million where any
plaintiff is from a different state from the defendant company. But
federal courts are much more hostile to class actions than their state
counterparts; such cases tend to be rooted in the finer points of state
law, in which federal judges are reluctant to dabble. And even if
federal judges do take on these suits, with only 678 of them on the
bench (compared with 9,200 state judges), already overburdened dockets
will grow. Thus, the bill will make class actions – most of which
involve discrimination, consumer fraud and wage-and-hour violations –
all but impossible. One example: After forty lawsuits were filed
against Wal-Mart for allegedly forcing employees to work "off the
clock," four state courts certified these suits as class actions. Not a
single federal court did so, although the practice probably involves
hundreds of thousands of employees nationwide.”
Why would a civil rights lawyer knowingly make it harder for
working-class people to have their day in court, in effect shutting off
avenues of redress?
Obama has a way of ducking hard votes or explaining away his bad votes
by trying to blame poorly-written statutes. Case in point: an amendment
he voted on as part of a recent bankruptcy bill before the US Senate
would have capped credit card interest rates at 30 percent.
Inexplicably, Obama voted against it, although it would have been the
beginning of setting these predatory lending rates under federal
control. Even Senator Hillary Clinton supported it.
Now Obama explains his vote by saying the amendment was poorly written
or set the ceiling too high. His explanation isn’t credible as Obama
offered no lower number as an alternative, and didn’t put forward his
own amendment clarifying whatever language he found objectionable.
Why wouldn’t Obama have voted to create the first federal ceiling on
predatory credit card interest rates, particularly as he calls himself
a champion of the poor and middle classes? Perhaps he was signaling to
the corporate establishment that they need not fear him. For all of his
dynamic rhetoric about lifting up the masses, it seems Obama has little
intention of doing anything concrete to reverse the cycle of poverty
many struggle to overcome.
These seemingly unusual votes wherein Obama aligns himself with
Republican Party interests aren’t new. While in the Illinois Senate,
Obama voted to limit the recovery that victims of medical malpractice
could obtain through the courts. Capping non-economic damages in
medical malpractice cases means a victim cannot fully recover for pain
and suffering or for punitive damages. Moreover, it ignored that courts
were already empowered to adjust awards when appropriate, and that the
Illinois Supreme Court had previously ruled such limits on tort reform
violated the state constitution.
In the US Senate, Obama continued interfering with patients’ full
recovery for tortious conduct. He was a sponsor of the National Medical
Error Disclosure and Compensation Act of 2005. The bill requires
hospitals to disclose errors to patients and has a mechanism whereby
disclosure, coupled with apologies, is rewarded by limiting patients’
economic recovery. Rather than simply mandating disclosure, Obama’s
solution is to trade what should be mandated for something that should
never be given away: namely, full recovery for the injured patient.
In November 2007, Obama came out against a bill that would have
reformed the notorious Mining Law of 1872. The current statute, signed
into law by Ulysses Grant, allows mining companies to pay a nominal
fee, as little as $2.50 an acre, to mine for hardrock minerals like
gold, silver, and copper without paying royalties. Yearly profits for
mining hardrock on public lands is estimated to be in excess of $1
billion a year according to Earthworks, a group that monitors the
industry. Not surprisingly, the industry spends freely when it comes to
lobbying: an estimated $60 million between 1998-2004 according to The
Center on Public Integrity. And it appears to be paying off, yet again.
The Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act of 2007 would have finally
overhauled the law and allowed American taxpayers to reap part of the
royalties (4 percent of gross revenue on existing mining operations and
8 percent on new ones). The bill provided a revenue source to cleanup
abandoned hardrock mines, which is likely to cost taxpayers over $50
million, and addressed health and safety concerns in the 11 affected
western states.
Later it came to light that one of Obama’s key advisors in Nevada is a
Nevada-based lobbyist in the employ of various mining companies (CBS
News “Obama’s Position On Mining Law Questioned. Democrat Shares
Position with Mining Executives Who Employ Lobbyist Advising Him,”
November 14, 2007).
The New York Times reported that, while campaigning in Iowa in December
2007, Obama boasted that he had passed a bill requiring nuclear plants
to promptly report radioactive leaks. This came after residents of his
home state of Illinois complained they were not told of leaks that
occurred at a nuclear plant operated by Exelon Corporation.
The truth, however, was that Obama allowed the bill to be amended in
Committee by Senate Republicans, replacing language mandating reporting
with verbiage that merely offered guidance to regulators on how to
address unreported leaks. The story noted that even this version of
Obama’s bill failed to pass the Senate, so it was unclear why Obama was
claiming to have passed the legislation. The February 3, 2008 The New
York Times article titled “Nuclear Leaks and Response Tested Obama in
Senate” by Mike McIntire also noted the opinion of one of Obama’s
constituents, which was hardly enthusiastic about Obama’s legislative
"Senator Obama's staff was sending us copies of the bill to review, and
we could see it weakening with each successive draft," said Joe
Cosgrove, a park district director in Will County, Ill., where
low-level radioactive runoff had turned up in groundwater. "The teeth
were just taken out of it."
As it turns out, the New York Times story noted: “Since 2003,
executives and employees of Exelon, which is based in Illinois, have
contributed at least $227,000 to Mr. Obama’s campaigns for the United
States Senate and for president. Two top Exelon officials, Frank M.
Clark, executive vice president, and John W. Rogers Jr., a director,
are among his largest fund-raisers.”
On energy policy, it turns out Obama is a big supporter of corn-based
ethanol which is well known for being an energy-intensive crop to grow.
It is estimated that seven barrels of oil are required to produce eight
barrels of corn ethanol, according to research by the Cato Institute.
Ethanol’s impact on climate change is nominal and isn’t “green”
according to Alisa Gravitz, Co-op America executive director. “It
simply isn’t a major improvement over gasoline when it comes to
reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.” A 2006 University of Minnesota
study by Jason Hill and David Tilman, and an earlier study published in
BioScience in 2005, concur. (There’s even concern that a reliance on
corn-based ethanol would lead to higher food prices.)
So why would Obama be touting this as a solution to our oil dependency?
Could it have something to do with the fact that the first presidential
primary is located in Iowa, corn capitol of the country? In legislative
terms this means Obama voted in favor of $8 billion worth of corn
subsidies in 2006 alone, when most of that money should have been
committed to alternative energy sources such as solar, tidal and wind.
Obama opposed single-payer bill HR676, sponsored by Congressmen Dennis
Kucinich and John Conyers in 2006, although at least 75 members of
Congress supported it. Single-payer works by trying to diminish the
administrative costs that comprise somewhere around one-third of every
health care dollar spent, by eliminating the duplicative nature of
these services. The expected $300 billion in annual savings such a
system would produce would go directly to cover the uninsured and
expand coverage to those who already have insurance, according to Dr.
Stephanie Woolhandler, an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard
Medical School and co-founder of Physicians for a National Health
Obama’s own plan has been widely criticized for leaving health care
industry administrative costs in place and for allowing millions of
people to remain uninsured. “Sicko” filmmaker Michael Moore ridiculed
it saying, “Obama wants the insurance companies to help us develop a
new health care plan-the same companies who have created the mess in
the first place.”
Regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement, Obama recently
boasted, “I don’t think NAFTA has been good for Americans, and I never
have.” Yet, Calvin Woodward reviewed Obama’s record on NAFTA in a
February 26, 2008 Associated Press article and found that comment to be
misleading: “In his 2004 Senate campaign, Obama said the US should
pursue more deals such as NAFTA, and argued more broadly that his
opponent's call for tariffs would spark a trade war. AP reported then
that the Illinois senator had spoken of enormous benefits having
accrued to his state from NAFTA, while adding that he also called for
more aggressive trade protections for US workers.”
Putting aside campaign rhetoric, when actually given an opportunity to
protect workers from unfair trade agreements, Obama cast the deciding
vote against an amendment to a September 2005 Commerce Appropriations
Bill, proposed by North Dakota Senator Byron Dorgan, that would have
prohibited US trade negotiators from weakening US laws that provide
safeguards from unfair foreign trade practices. The bill would have
been a vital tool to combat the outsourcing of jobs to foreign workers
and would have ended a common corporate practice known as
“pole-vaulting” over regulations, which allows companies doing foreign
business to avoid “right to organize,” “minimum wage,” and other worker
On March 2, 2007 Obama gave a speech at AIPAC, America’s pro-Israeli
government lobby, wherein he disavowed his previous support for the
plight of the Palestinians. In what appears to be a troubling pattern,
Obama told his audience what they wanted to hear. He recounted a
one-sided history of the region and called for continued military
support for Israel, rather than taking the opportunity to promote the
various peace movements in and outside of Israel.
Why should we believe Obama has courage to bring about change? He
wouldn’t have his picture taken with San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom
when visiting San Francisco for a fundraiser in his honor because Obama
was scared voters might think he supports gay marriage (Newsom
acknowledged this to Reuters on January 26, 2007 and former Mayor
Willie Brown admitted to the San Francisco Chronicle on February 5,
2008 that Obama told him he wanted to avoid Newsom for that reason.)
Obama acknowledges the disproportionate impact the death penalty has on
blacks, but still supports it, while other politicians are fighting to
stop it. (On December 17, 2007 New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine signed a
bill banning the death penalty after it was passed by the New Jersey
On September 29, 2006, Obama joined Republicans in voting to build 700
miles of double fencing on the Mexican border (The Secure Fence Act of
2006), abandoning 19 of his colleagues who had the courage to oppose
it. But now that he’s campaigning in Texas and eager to win over
Mexican-American voters, he says he’d employ a different border
It is shocking how frequently and consistently Obama is willing to
subjugate good decision making for his personal and political benefit.
Obama aggressively opposed initiating impeachment proceedings against
the president (“Obama: Impeachment is not acceptable,” USA Today, June
28, 2007) and he wouldn’t even support Wisconsin Senator Russ
Feingold’s effort to censure the Bush administration for illegally
wiretapping American citizens in violation of the 1978 Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act. In Feingold’s words “I’m amazed at
Democrats … cowering with this president’s number’s so low.” Once
again, it’s troubling that Obama would take these positions and miss
the opportunity to document the abuses of the Bush regime.
Once I started looking at the votes Obama actually cast, I began to
hear his rhetoric differently. The principal conclusion I draw about
“change” and Barack Obama is that Obama needs to change his voting
habits and stop pandering to win votes. If he does this he might
someday make a decent candidate who could earn my support. For now
Obama has fallen into a dangerous pattern of capitulation that he
cannot reconcile with his growing popularity as an agent of change.
I remain impressed by the enthusiasm generated by Obama’s style and
skill as an orator. But I remain more loyal to my values, and I’m glad
to say that I want no part in the Obama craze sweeping our country.
Matt Gonzalez is a former president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.
Posted by Catherine on August 5, 2008
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A Thought on HRC
A few people have emailed me to say that they are surprised that I am supporting Hillary Clinton for President because she represents the establishment.
Well, here is just one reason and response (others are forthcoming):
The people with the penises have been in charge for a really long time now and I just look at where we are in the World. America is not the shining city on the hill as it once was considered. So, I think that we need try my gender for a change.
Ask yourself, how would 911 been handled? Would we even be in Iraq? How would Katrina been handled?
Posted by Catherine on March 10, 2008
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Bush Sees White People
Here is a photo of W with -- wait for it, wait for it -- WHITE PEOPLE. Do you see any ethnic people in the photo or any of the others? Hmm, no ya don't. Dumb Dumb met up with the Govenator to tour San Diego -- white, republican land. Before he left the White House made some lame statements about how you can compare this to Katrina and took a dig at the elected officials of Louisiana. He neglected to mention Heckuva Job Brownie. Nor did he mention his own less than stellar actions.
The Prince of Compassion (with my embellishments):
Standing with his arm draped around the shoulders of Kendra Jeffcoat, whose house had burned to the ground, Bush said, "We know how tough it is for you (I have no clue b/c I am a very rich man)," as Jeffcoat's eyes filled with tears. "The American people care for (white) people like you who are suffering."
Posted by Catherine on October 25, 2007
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SoCal is On Fire
It is estimated that almost 1 million people will be relocated due to the fires in Southern California. The Santa Ana winds have struck again. Dumb dumb or his advisers may have learned from the Katrina debacle and the deplorable way that they treated African Americans. I saw stole this graph from NYT:
Of course, it is easier for him to want to help white people. After all, San Diego county is predominantly Republican. Is that why Bush is coming to SoCal? Is he trying to remove the stench of the rotting bodies from the 9th Ward off? Good luck, you'll need it. What kind of messages does this send? He'll come for white people? Kanye is still correct.
I am happy to report that fire has not touched my family members who live in the LA area nor any of my friends. We feel very fortunate.
Posted by Catherine on October 24, 2007
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Proud Presidential Moment #756
Posted by Catherine on September 25, 2007
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And The Winners Are . . .
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) released its third annual report on the most corrupt members of Congress entitled Beyond DeLay: The 22 Most Corrupt Members of Congress (and two to watch). This encyclopedic report on corruption in the 110th Congress documents the egregious, unethical and possibly illegal activities of the most tainted members of Congress. CREW has compiled the members’ transgressions and analyzed them in light of federal laws and congressional rules.
Sixteen members have been replaced from last year’s list of 25.
Check out Beyond Delay which offers short summaries of each member’s transgressions as well as the full-length profiles and all accompanying exhibits.
Members of the Senate:
Sen. Pete V. Domenici (R-NM)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK)
Members of House:
Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA)
Rep. John T. Doolittle (R-CA)
Rep. Tom Feeney (R-FL)
Rep. Doc Hastings (R-WA)
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA)
Rep. William J. Jefferson (D-LA)
Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA)
Rep. Gary G. Miller (R-CA)
Rep. Alan B. Mollohan (D-WV)
Rep. Timothy F. Murphy (R-PA)
Rep. John P. Murtha (D-PA)
Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM)
Rep. Rick Renzi (R-AZ)
Rep. Harold Rogers (R-KY)
Rep. David Scott (D-GA)
Rep. Don Young (R-AK)
Rep. Jerry Weller (R-IL)
Rep. Heather A. Wilson (R-NM)
Dishonorable Mention:
Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID)
Sen. David Vitter (R-LA)
Several members in the study are already under federal investigation including: Reps. Calvert, Doolittle, Feeney, Jefferson, Lewis, Miller, Mollohan, Murphy, Renzi and Young, as well as Senator Stevens.
Posted by Catherine on September 19, 2007
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The Bell Tolls
It has been two years since Katrina devastated the Big Easy and the Gulf Coast. Some cities have recovered, some have not and it seems they never will. The course of lives have changed forever, with very few changing for the better.
There are over 100 bodies in the New O corner's office that have not been claimed. There are bodies that have rotted and never been picked up. Few are rebuilding because they don't have insurance or the insurance doesn't cover the rising cost of construction.
It would appear as though we have left those who were already even further behind. We should not forget them. It should be a matter of pride and honor that we help them. NOLA
Posted by Catherine on August 29, 2007
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Quick Takes
The Mormon takes a cheap shot at Hillary. Hmm, better than men in weird body underwear.
Oh, we are still losing our soldiers in Afghanistan. I am sorry for their families. Grrrrr.
Orange is hot. At least some people get almost what they deserve. Cry me a river, NOT!
Dumb dumb doesn't know jack about the environment. Where does he get this crap?
A good thing, but way over due.
It is almost two years later, towns are still struggling to recover from Katrina. We have failed.
Posted by Catherine on May 31, 2007
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New Poll: Racism in America
Damn, I can't believe that they needed a poll to figure out that we have racism in America. I am shocked, shocked I tell you. See CNN
It would seem that most of those who were polled said "that they know people who are racist, but do not consider themselves to be racist." wink, wink
Then, how does anyone explain the Tufts University Journal that published, "O Come All ye Black Folks?" This shit pisses me off. Why can't people just be people and not some label? At times like this, I wish that we were all color blind. The carol wasn't meant to be offensive. Um, right, it is surprising, but not all Black people are from the Ghetto, asshats.
I know, let's ask the residents of New Orleans if they think that people in America are racist?
Posted by Catherine on December 12, 2006
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